Here is step by step list of “How to” start a real estate brokerage inside your company, primarily using the experience of Brent Low, CEO of MediaOne Utah, whose brokerage was founded in 2009 and is currently generating 3 million plus in commissions per year. Included: How to join the MLS, what to know about the Board of Realtors, who to hire, key components of the business plan, when and what secondary revenue streams to add. Please log in.
Alisa Cromer
These lessons from the field in executing mobile revenue strategies are contributed by Jason Fulmines, director of Mobile Products at Gannett. He shows the six key mistakes mobile managers make and how to avoid them.
Alisa Cromer
E-mail is now a fundamental driver of many new business initiatives. But audience data, including e-mail addresses, is typically stored in a chaotic array of separate systems and …
Alisa Cromer
As more advertisers shift budgets to promotions more e-mail registrations mean more dollars. Here is a check list of what media and marketers can do to build lists faster.
Alisa Cromer
What do you need to know to select a certificate store (this is not a group deal provider, but a store for on-going deals) provider? Here are ten key questions we vetted with heads of interactive who have launched stores in their markets:
Alisa Cromer
Here are nine take-aways from the Association of Alternative Newsweeklies' 2011 Web Conference about who Millennials are and what they want as local media consumers and employees.
Alisa Cromer
The healthcare industry is one of the healthiest local advertising categories. Get the biggest share by looking at best practices around the country. Find out what hospital marketers want, and to increase dollars from the cosmetic service industry.
Alisa Cromer
Setting up a Group Deal program? Find out what it will take, revenues to expect per deal, which local businesses to approach, deal parameters, how to compete with Groupon and Living Social in your market and choosing a vendor and a worksheet on the Group Deal Business model.
Train the sales team to sell around text-marketing campaigns by looking for great co-promotions that add traditional internet and media. SMS campaigns for small businesses rely on massive amounts of data collection - they need help from media. Here are seven ways to turn this rapidly growing trend into profitable relationships.
Alisa Cromer
Borrell executives Gordon Borrell, Peter Conti and Colby Atwood ended the 2010 Local Mobile Advertising Conference last week with a slightly fiery “Five things to do next” for those ready to tackle winning the mobile space. We've reprinted their suggestions with permission here.
Gordon Borrell