I have spent a lot of time lately thinking and speaking about paid content models. Last week I had an illustrative moment that speaks directly to both the challenge and the opportunity for local …
To some of us the slogan "Fear the beard" was indicative of a larger truth...about local media marketing.
I know its a stretch. Hear me out. In D.C., where I grew up, a bearded man rarely …
What if the problem for local media companies is not really too much free editorial on the web, or a simple mathematical dimes-for-dollars issue?
What if the problem is that monopolistic pricing has lost all relationship to value? And monopolistic thinking is so ingrained among management that it prevents the development of better business models that can compete with a host of new competitors sucking up millions in pay-for-performance advertising?
And if this is the case, how should local media companies respond?
Anyone who has tried to sell brand advertising to a Valpak customers can still hear the the argument (Can you get me 200 responses for $400?) ringing in their ears years later.
Their current investment in mobile - and a self-serv customer erve dashboard - gets them deeper into the digital game.
Local mobile revenues - yes, revenues - are finally beginning to develop. Some companies are now selling sponsorships on text alert programs to healthcare services and credit unions for as much as $8000 a month. Cirque de Soleil is a mobile advertiser in several markets, as is McDonalds.
Other emerging advertisers include Honda, Cheverolet, Toyota and LandRover in the automotive category - all of these companies have placed mobile buys with local media comanies in various markets.
The most talked about presentation at the Borrell Local Mobile Advertising conference last week was clearly Clark Gilbert's, CEO of Deseret Media.
A respected Harvard scholar turned local media executive, Gilbert casually noted that in all likelihood, only one in ten traditional local media companies will survive.
This isn't the first time Gilbert has addressed cold hard truth at a media convention. But it may be the first time that everyone in the room was listening. Part of the reason is audience shifting from computers into mobile devices in a tidal wave and no one wants to be caught playing catch up for ten more years. Or worse.
Clearly, mobile is behaving like a classic disruptive innovation in its early stages. While some publishers think they are "safe" in small markets, most executives at the conference were looking towards early adapters for answers.
While traveling by plane to the Borrell Local Mobile Advertising Conference yesterday, I sat next to a small business man and we had a chance to chat.
He employs just more than 100 people and has been in business for 30 years in his own hometown. He still does more than $2 million a year in sales - almost all of it in the local area.
For most of that time he's advertised in the newspaper- he described his newspaper rep "as a really nice person."
This week we've posted a dirt simple tracking document you can use to collect - and share - measurable results from banner ad campaigns (such as the ones you see on this site under the "Winning Ads" navigation bar).
Just about every ad director we talk to complains that the sales staff is not selling measurable results. But if the only thing we track in the CRM system is leads, objections and sales... the whole culture is actually designed to ignore campaign results.
The daily deal is hottest new product in advertising history; Groupon alone has sped to $500 million in sales in just 17 months.
But local media have a clear advantage in competing, not just because of their existing promotional traffic, but because of how it ties into the business formula: Deal Quality times Reach equals cash.
Most print organizations I talk to are frustrated on one level or another by sales force issues; in particular how to inspire service-oriented sales representatives to get interested in their customer's digital needs and sell customized solutions.
I was reminded again last week of the importance of starting out by keeping it simple: BangorDailyNews.com launched a sales effort that "sold out" its first 20 packages in two weeks - starting from scratch with print-only sales representatives who had never sold online advertising before.