local media insider

Create a Quiz Show to test what reps have learned


A simple idea for a combining fun and training at a sales meeting or at the end of a training session is a Jeopardy-style quiz show. You can discuss the answers as you go along so that everyone learns. You will only need maybe a third of these questions at any short meeting, more for a longer training session. Here's how to set it up in seconds:

1. Divide into two teams.
2. You will need a desk-top bell (the kind that sits on a desk and rings when you push it).
3. Pair up members of opposing teams, or have them meet in the "hot seat" where they are sitting or standing next to eachother. If you are in a conference room, try putting a team on each side of the long table, and have them move in pairs to the "hot seat" at the end of the table. Or, have opposing pairs sit next to eachother and move the bell between them. Having people get up and physically move, however, raises the energy level in the room.
4. Put the bell between the contestants, so they can ring it when they get the answer.
5. The sales manager is the "host" who asks the questions, the first person who dings the bell and gets the answer right wins the round, then two more players come up (or the bell gets passed around the table).
6. Discuss answers when appropriate.
7. After everyone has had a chance start again - this should be a fast moving event.

Here are some sample Quiz Show questions, from not so hard to much harder:

*Name four products we sell outside of print?
*What year was the company founded?
*What is the total audience online?
*What's the difference between a page view and an impression?
*How many eblast subscribers do we have?
*What is CTR ?
*What pages will your ROS ad buy show up on?
*What is a premium channel and why is the price higher?
*My advertiser says their email works better than advertising. What is a good response?
*What is a URL?
*Name three IAB sizes
*What's a typical ClickThroughRate?
*How can a client gage conversions beyond the click?
*When should an offer be unique?
*Name three qualities of a great group-deal?
*What is a Quality Score on AdWords?
*What should a banner ad link to?
*Name a statistic that proves advertisers should allocate budget to mobile?
*Why do merchants need a mobile site if they already have a web site?
*How many mobile impressions do we serve?
*Answer the objection (fill in the blank)

Have fun with this one!

examples, sales